This Mug showcases one of the main themes of Naruto Shippuden. During his quest to bring Sasuke home and become Hokage, Naruto continually surpassed his predecessors. First Kakashi Hatake, his mentor and Leader of Team 7, then Jaraiya, a Legendary Sanin and a father-figure, and lastly Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage and his father. After having finally surpassed his predecessors, Naruto was successful in protecting his friends and village, and he was able to achieve the peace Jaraiya desperately longed for. This mug represents a long history that shaped Naruto into the character we all know and love today.
All Mugs by JTC Anime Creations are created via a special sublimation process which guarantees a long lasting and vibrant product. Our mugs are dishwasher and microwave safe, and can last many years if cared for properly. Recommendations for mug care will be included with your purchase.